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Fine Art
Faculty of Performing Arts Curriculum
<Educational Goals> As students are becoming ‘Truly God’s People’, we would
authentically seek professional artists who possess mighty spiritality and excellent knowledge in Arts area.
1.Spirituality True those who would learn God’s Word, obey to them and take after His chasracter
2.Personality Sincere those who learn virtuous character and propriety and dedicate to God
3.Intelligence Those who learn by oneself and widen creating world of God based on their potential of creativity.
4.Sensitivity Those who develop sensitivity God has given US and fulfill creating world of God by growing esthetic sense of truth and beauty
1.Spirituality True those who would learn God’s Word, obey to them and take after His chasracter
2.Personality Sincere those who learn virtuous character and propriety and dedicate to God
3.Intelligence Those who learn by oneself and widen creating world of God based on their potential of creativity.
4.Sensitivity Those who develop sensitivity God has given US and fulfill creating world of God by growing esthetic sense of truth and beauty
Work of Arts Curriculum
  • Elementary - level 1st - 6th classes(general arts subjects)+7th, 8th[9th](specialized arts subjects)
  • Secondary  - level 1st - 5th classes(general arts subjects)+6th - 8th[9th](specialized arts subjects)
Names of Arts Subject
Portfolio creation
Basic modeling
3D modeling
Material technique
Western painting
Oriental painting
Christian Aesthetics
Art history
Museum tour
Exhibition of works
Course Introduction
Art Gifted Course I
  1. Grades 1 - 4
  2. Students who need to grasp their art potential are encouraged to take beginner art course.
    (fundamental molding, engraving, design, art gallery visitation)
Art Gifted Course II
  1. Grades 5 - 6
  2. Students who need to grasp their are potential are encouraged to take bignner art course. (fundamental molding, engraving, design, art gallery visitation)
General art practice Course I
  1. Grades 7 - 9
  2. Middle school students who have not yet majored in art are encouraged to take general art course. (drawing, engraving, three dimensional molding, & design.)
General art practice Course II
  1. Grades 10 - 11
  2. Hign school students who have not yet majored in art are encouraged to take general art course. (drawing, engraving, three dimensional molding, & design.)
Major prep. Course I
  1. Grades 7 - 9
  2. Middle school students who major in art are encouraged to take advanced art couse. (drawing, painting, three dimensional molding, exhibiting, Christian esthetics)
Major prep. Course II
  1. Grades 10
  2. Middle school students who major in art are encouraged to take advanced art course. (drawing, painting, three dimensinal molding, exhibiting, Christian esthetics)
Admission for foreign University Course I
  1. Grades 11
  2. 11th graders who are aim at matriculating into foreign art universities are encouraged to take practical advance course (photofolio production, image technique, exhibition)
Admission for foreign University Course II
  1. Grades 12
  2. 12th graders who are aim at matriculating into foreign art university are encouraged to take practical advance course (photofolio production, image technique, exhibition)
Admission for korean University Course I
  1. Grades 11
  2. 11th graders who are aim at entering into Korean art universities are encouraged to take practical advance couse (drawing, photofolio production, preparation by the art major)
Admission for korean University Course II
  1. Grades 12
  2. 12th graders who are aim at entering into Korean art universities are encouraged to take pracical advande course (drawing, photofolio production, preparation by the are major)